
Counting down 10 long-living animals

Have you ever wondered which animals live the longest on our planet? These are some of the animals who live for many years… 10. African elephant Life expectancy: 60-70 years Natural predator: Lions (occasionally) Place of origin: Africa Not only do elephants live long, they also have a very good memory. They can remember incidents […]

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10 cool things about elephants

Elephants are easily recognisable – everybody knows what an elephant looks like. Although they are huge, they camouflage in the bush and you won’t even know they are there. Let’s find out what else is cool about these animals. 1. Humanlike Elephants are a lot like humans. They feel remorse and even ask for a

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Amazing elephant facts

Elephants are such majestic and amazing animals. Here are some facts that you might not have known. 60 years is the average lifespan of an African elephant. The left ear of the African elephant almost looks like the shape of Africa, while the Asian elephant’s left ear is similar to the shape of India. Tusk

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Why elephants remember so well

We all know that elephants have great memories, especially if we compare them to those of other animals. But you may ask why these giants remember so well? The answer lies in the way their brains are structured, which is very similar to those of humans, with a large frontal lobe. Relative to other animals,

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