pet parasites

Tick and flea questions answered

Preventing ticks and fleas from invading your home and taking residence on our pets is a never ending story. In this article experts answer frequently asked questions about these critters. Q: What do ticks and fleas feed on? A: Both ticks and fleas need blood to survive, and both will feed on animals and humans.

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Rid your dog of ticks and fleas

Few things are as frustrating as watching your dog constantly scratch himself. You can almost start feeling his itch yourself! Both ticks and fleas not only are extremely irritating to your dog, but also pose a risk to his health. Fleas Fleas are small, jumping parasites that aren’t always easy to spot on your dog.

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Get rid of worms, ticks and fleas

Parasites are with us throughout the year can cause serious illness in your pet. Worms are internal parasites called endoparasites that take up residence in your dog’s intestines and feed off partially digested food or blood. Symptoms can be severe and even fatal. Ectoparasites are critters like ticks, fleas and mites that live outside the

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