
Q & A: Whining dog

Q: Is it normal for a dog to just sit by himself and whine? What can I do about it? A: This is definitely a reason for concern. The first step would be a visit to the vet. It’s possible that your dog is complaining about not feeling well. Once any possible health concerns are […]

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Cats need cat food

Q: Why should cats not eat dog food? A: Cats need a balanced diet to ensure that their nutritional needs are met. If they are fed a single protein, human table scraps or even dog food, they won’t receive the nutrients they require to stay healthy. For example, a cat with a vitamin A deficiency

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Q&A: Hunting birds

Q: Should I stop my cat from hunting birds in the garden? A: Hunting birds is a perfectly natural and normal behaviour for cats, and would be their means of survival if they were not in our homes. Our companion cats often kill birds but do not eat them, simply because they have access to

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Q & A: Do birds require routine veterinary procedures such as vaccinations?

Q. DO BIRDS REQUIRE ROUTINE VETERINARY PROCEDURES SUCH AS VACCINATIONS A. In South Africa, parrots don’t typically require annual vaccinations from disease like dogs, cats and horses do. Most parrots are kept individually or in small collections that are not exposed to other parrots. Wild birds, especially doves and feral pigeons, do pose a disease risk

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