Bronte of Membury

What joy it was to collect you when you were just a little pup, what joy you gave me throughout your life
What pleasure it was to train you, what pleasure it was to travel with you throughout the country.
How proud you made me with your achievements, how proud I was to see the pleasure that you gave to others.
You were the perfect dog – not only with the titles that you gained (CGC Gold; Obedience Champion;  TD3 Champion) – they were just the outward signs of how great a dog you were. I would have trusted you with my life, my great protector, how can life ever be the same again???

I keep your collar next to my bed,  I look at your pictures everyday. I cry for you every day. You will never, ever be forgotten, you were the dog of a lifetime. Sadly your lifetime was just not long enough for me – you were not quite 13 years old when you had to leave my side.

Fly high on your new wings my darling girl and we will meet again, I know that for sure.