Dog talk

The role of treats in training

When you train your dog, there is no doubt that you will need treats to reward him for his hard work. But certain questions often arise about the treats we use while training. This article will address some of those questions. 1. What is the ideal size of treats used in training? The size needs […]

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Recall training

A reliable recall is one of the most important things to teach your pup, to the point where it can even save his life if you ever need to call him back to you, away from a potentially dangerous situation. Consider the following scenarios: Your dog accidentally gets out of the gate and takes off.

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Q & A: No privacy allowed

Q: Why do my dogs insist on following me into the bathroom? A: Having a dog means you never have to visit the bathroom alone again and, according to some dogs, it’s the perfect place for an intimate family meeting. But why would dogs want to share such a private place with you anyway? Humour

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Pet planning: what to do and when

Time flies by so fast and, before we know it, another month has passed, and then another year. With our lives filled with meetings, deadlines and challenges, we sometimes miss important dates and things we were supposed to do, but just didn’t get round to. Planning ahead and making actual notes somewhere, will help a

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Q & A: Adopting a stray cat

Q: A stray cat adopted us, but what do we need to do before we can let him into our house? We have two other cats who seem to get along with him. A: Before adopting or allowing a stray cat into your house, it is important to ensure that it does not suffer from

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Q & A: Doggy dementia

Q: Is there such a thing as doggy dementia, and is there a way that I can prevent it? A: ‘Doggy dementia’ is a recognised disease in dogs. Because it can occur in cats as well, it is referred to as cognitive dysfunction (CD). It is a neurodegenerative condition, similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans,

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Q & A: Signs of pain

Q: How do I know whether my dog is in pain? A: As veterinarians, one of our biggest tasks is knowing when an animal is in pain. Unfortunately, we can’t ask our patients: “Where does it hurt?” or “How bad is your pain?” We rely on subtle clues to ensure that our patients are pain-free.

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