Cat Know How

Catering for cats

If buying pet food ever left you scratching your head, chances are you are a cat owner. You want the best for your cat, but she doesn’t always agree with you about what’s best for her! Did you know that a lot of research goes into perfecting your cat’s meals? Hill’s Pet Nutrition gave Animaltalk

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Pet food guide

In 2011, South African pet owners were struck with fear when at least 12 dogs died of aflatoxicosis after eating contaminated pet food. Serious incidents like these raise questions about the safety of pet food and how companies test their products. Why testing is important The choice of pet food is a personal one. You

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Annual Vaccinations

Should all dogs and cats receive booster vaccinations every year for their whole lives? I have heard people talking about so-called titre tests that vets can do to determine if a pet really needs a booster vaccination. Are these readily available in SA and what are the logistics involved? Puppies Puppies need to be vaccinated

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Traveling Requirements

If you are planning to travel with your pet by plane, make sure you take your best friend in a travel crate that complies to the following requirements: Accepted materials for construction of travel boxes: Fibre Glass Metal Rigid Plastic Welded mesh or wire mesh not chicken mesh however the container Plywood Solid wood Rigid

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Essential Amino Acids

The truth is dogs and cats do not need any protein in a healthy state at all. What they do need is the building blocks of protein. Even if animals ingested their exact daily requirements of protein, their alimentary tract would still break the proteins down to individual amino acids through the process of digestion. There

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Diabetes in pets

Diabetes in pets can be controlled through veterinary care and by following a strict diet, much like humans need. The causes and resultant symptoms of diabetes are similar, although not the same, in humans and pets. Dogs usually have type 1 (insulin-dependent) while cats typically have type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. What exactly is diabetes and

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Dealing with a cat bite

Cats have sharp teeth and will bite when upset. Statistics show that up to 80% of cat bite wounds become infected. This is because cats have sharp, needle-like teeth that can cause deep puncture wounds which are not always easy to clean, and do not bleed a lot to get the infectious saliva out. The

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