5 reasons to own and love a dog

Are you contemplating whether you should bring a new doggy into your life, or do you need to convince someone that you need a dog? Here are some valid reasons why owning a dog will bring you lots of happiness. But do keep in mind that dogs are not toys that you can play with until you’re bored – they are a lifetime commitment, but they’re totally worth the time and effort!


1. Put a smile on your dial

Did you have a bad day at work? You will most probably forget about the things that happened during the day the moment you get home and have a cuddle with your dog. He will welcome you with open paws and be excited to see you. Depending on his personality, he will unconsciously do things that will make you smile and forget about your bad day.


2. Loyal companion

Your dog will be your most loyal friend. He won’t betray you and will always love you, no matter what. As long as you take good care of him, he will be by your side, come rain or shine. And if you have to work late, he will be there waiting for you when you get home.


3. Exercise buddy

Depending on the breed you have, your dog might enjoy accompanying you when you go jogging and cycling, or he might enjoy a casual stroll in the park. Some dogs might need some coaxing to set a paw out the door for some exercise, but most dogs will enjoy running around in the garden while playing games with you.

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