Amanzimtoti Sponsor a Spay Campaign

Help support the Amanzimtoti Sponsor a Spay Campaign and pledge R400 to have a dog or cat sterilised #AnimaltalkCares

One pair of unsterilised dogs and their offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in just six years. In the same time one unsterilised pair of cats and their offspring can produce just over 66,000 cats. Help make a difference to the homeless animals in the most poverty stricken areas and pledge your support today. For just R400 you can sponsor a spay and help get one of these underprivileged animals sterilised.

Banking details
Standard Bank
Account Number:  053211189
Branch: Prospecton, KZN
Branch Code: 057827
Cheque Account

For more information:

Contact person: Tracey Girling
Contact number: 031 904 2424/5
Contact email address:

Sponsor a Spay-image