Beautiful dog dancing routine

Watch this beautiful dog dancing routine with Lisa & Jax!

Dancing with Dogs Durban is located in Pinetown, KZN.

What is Dog Dancing?

There are two categories with in dog dancing, Musical Freestyle and Heel Work To Music.

Musical Freestyle is the more popular of the two, with in freestyle the handler and dog are free to do anything to tell a story so long as it does not harm the dog or human.

Heel Work To Music is a mix between Freestyle moves and obedience, the difference between freestyle and heel work to music is that you have to demonstrate more obedience moves as well as the dog is not allowed to go through the handlers legs at any stage.

All dogs are welcome in this sport we have great Danes, Rottweiler’s, Pit bulls, Maltese’s and many more dogs that take part in Durban.

You do not have to be a dancer yourself all you need to have is a love for music and a four legged friend to dance with no matter your age. We have ladies from 18 to 70 years.

If your wanting to compete in dance you are marked according to the abilities of your dog… you will never see a Rottweiler jumping off the back of their owner but this may be expected from a Border Collie.

There are different levels within dancing as well as different categories.

Golden Oldies this is for dogs over 9 years or owners over 60 years.

Handy Dandy this is for dogs or owners with disabilities, in our club we have a few dogs that part take in Durban just to name a few, more information on the categories and levels can be found on our website.

Dancing With Dogs in Durban has two sister clubs one in JHB and one in Cape Town, all information for all 3 clubs make up South African Dog Dancing.

For more information:

Contact number: 0827705058