
The gorgeous Chinchilla

A Chinchilla is the picture of pure luxury. If you live in a complex and would rather have an indoor cat, then this might be the breed for you. Chinchillas are quiet and peaceful, and quite happy not to do much at all – except, of course, look beautiful! While placid, Chinchillas do get quite

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The Pallas’ cat

The Pallas’ cat is rather strange-looking. His face is a lot flatter than a regular cat’s, but it is not just his appearance that sets him apart. His claws are unusually short, as are his legs, and he has fewer teeth than other cats. He is also not a fast runner, preferring to hunt by

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Norwegian forest cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat, who is also affectionately known as a Wegie or Skogkatt, is one of the few naturally occurring pedigreed cat breeds. They differ from most other breeds in that their development to date has been the result of natural selection and evolution due to the harsh elements and environment that they inhabit.

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Wild cat: The Margay

The margay is a small cat who lives in dense forests in South America. They are solitary and nocturnal, occupying large territories which they indicate using scent markings. They are similar in looks to the ocelot, though smaller, with a shorter head, larger eyes and longer legs and tail. They spend most of their time

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