Dog talk

Q & A: Gum colour

Q: How does the colour of my dog’s tongue and gums tell me whether he is ill? A: A healthy dog’s gums and tongue should be pink, just like yours, from all the tiny blood vessels running close to the surface. Common changes in gum and tongue colour, and what they could mean, include: Pale

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Q & A: Puppy safety

Q: What is the correct way to hold and carry a puppy? A: The best way to pick up a puppy is the one that is safest for him. I prefer placing one hand under the puppy’s chest, where the rib cage is, just behind the front legs, away from his belly and soft tissue,

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Why puppy school is crucial

  Have you ever wondered what is the rave about puppy schools and why puppies should attend these classes? Behaviourist Samantha Walpole explains why it is important for your puppy. The general socialisation stage for a puppy is between three and 16 weeks. This is a critical one-time window of opportunity. We never get this

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Q & A: Fido, come!

Q: What is the easiest way to teach my puppy his name? A: This is an important first step in building a relationship between the two of you. As your pup learns to respond to his name and focus his attention on you, teaching other basic commands becomes much easier. Be consistent in always using

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10 Things dogs do really well

Dogs have been living in close proximity to people for 15,000 years and during this time they have channelled their natural talents to develop some really amazing skills. Most of us are aware that dogs are intelligent beings with superior senses and some particular abilities that far surpass that of people or machines (for example,

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Q & A: Valuable lesson

Q: Why should I teach my dog to sit? A: Teaching your dog to sit may seem very basic, but a ‘sit’ is actually one of the most important things for your dog to learn. Teaching your dog to sit on cue is very simple and is a good exercise to do to prevent other

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