For the love of music and pets – Chrissy J de Beer

Chrissy J de Beer might be petite and only 12 years old, but she’s already a singer, actor, dancer and model who attended the International Modelling and Talent Association conference in New York and received several excellence medals in various faculties. Since then, she has released her fourth single, Pieces of Me.

Through her music, Chrissy J wants to inspire other people to be the best versions of themselves. Her latest single is an upbeat pop track and a tribute to all the people she has met and all the places she has been in her music career so far.

“Music and singing are part of who I am. I think I could sing before I could speak. God gifted me with the ability to write songs and to sing, and I love sharing it with other people,” says Chrissy J.


Although Chrissy J is only a tween, she has a busy lifestyle between her singing and school. One way for her to relax is to spend time with her pets. “I love spending time with my pets, especially after school because it takes my mind off school and chores, and each one is so different in their personalities,” she says. “I make it a priority to spend some play time outside with my dogs the moment I get home. They also sleep with me in my bed.”

Click here to hear Chrissy J sing.

Loving pets

Chrissy J has four dogs and a cat. “Coco and Teddy are Yorkshire Terriers and are both seven years old. Coco is blonde with brownish-red eyes. Teddy is the smallest but the loudest of them all, with the most beautiful golden-brown coat. Gracy and Abby are Miniature Schnauzers and they are four years old. Grace is silver with a curly coat while Abby is salt-and-pepper coloured. Then, there is Jellybean, our six-year-old cat, who is grey with black stripes and a long, hairy tail.”

Chrissy J says that they all have such different personalities. “Coco is a very anxious dog while Teddy is very loveable but always barking. Grace wants to lie on top of you all the time while Abby is the crazy-funny one. Jellybean loves kneading you while purring and, at times, thinks he’s one of the dogs,” she laughs.

She tells us how her pets make her laugh. “Grace loves rubbing her back on the side of my bed with her bum in the air and Coco keeps growling at us (in a friendly way) after she’s had her food. Abby howls before she jumps on the bed as if to ask for permission, and Teddy barks and chases everything that moves outside!”


To read more about Chrissy J and her ventures, get the Spring #347 edition of Animaltalk magazine from retailers or order a digital or printed copy from