How can you help animal welfare organisation No More Suffering this Mandela Day? #AnimaltalkCares
Donate R67 or R670 to No More Suffering. We can issue you with a tax certificate.
- Invite 67 friends to like NMS on Facebook –
- Invite 67 friends to add NMS as a beneficiary on MySchool
- Invite 67 friends to sponsor Fébé Naudé for the 94.7 Cycle Race
Contact Fébé at for more information.
NMS is currently calling on support from both individuals and the business sector in a bid to increase the organisation’s reach substantially. Anyone wishing to collaborate with the organisation or to have a member of NMS present a talk at the event, would be welcome to contact them.
No More Suffering • Standard Bank – Bedford Gardens • Business Current Account
Account number: 270183574 • Branch code: 018305 • Reference: Name 67
For more information:
Contact person Tricia Davis
Contact number 083 267 6089