Part 38 – Out and about

As part of our socialisation, we have to go out and experience as many things as possible. We went to an expo and there were loads of people and things to see. There was a helicopter and people could pay to go up and fly around! We didn’t go fly but Mom took me closer so I could see the helicopter and watch it land and it made a loud noise. But I was very good – Mom was there and everything was fine. (See the chopper in the background.)

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A few days later we met up with some friends at a new park. Mom decided it was a good idea to practise some obedience. Here me, Anja and Emily are doing a down stay. And me and Anja pulling faces. And our friend Chance photobombing our pic. And I also took Emily for a walk.

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Next time I’ll show a pic of me passing my CGC class