Q & A: Cat’s purrdicure

Q: Should I clip my cat’s nails?

A: In general, it is not necessary to clip a cat’s nails. Outdoor cats use their nails to climb, while indoor cats can be provided with a nice, long scratching post to help them maintain their nails.

In some cases, when a cat is very old or perhaps in pain, and the cat lives an extremely sedentary life, it is necessary to clip the nails to prevent them from growing so long that they cause discomfort.

Declawing a cat is never an option as this is very cruel.

Surprisingly, I find that, for the most part, it is easier to clip a cat’s nails than a dog’s – this does of course depend on the individual animal.

Get someone to help you hold the cat. Then gently press on her paw – this will expose the nails. Now cut the nails, making sure not to cut into the pink part, as this will be painful and cause bleeding.

If you are unsure, stick to just cutting off the tips of the nails, or ask a groomer to assist you.

Noleen Fourie, behaviourist and groomer