Teaching your pet something new not only occupies him and keeps him from getting bored, but it also keeps his mind stimulated. You’ll also build on his confidence and strengthen your bond with him. When you teach your pet new cues, he also learns to understand what you want from him and, in return, you will learn more about your pet too.
In this article, we look at some goals that you can set out to achieve with your pet this year. Download the Animaltalk 2022 planner to print at home here.
Don’t stop with the suggested cues, find new ones that you can teach your pets. Watch out for future editions of Animaltalk magazine, where we will guide you through the teaching process for the different cues. Your pet will love you for it.
Doggy goals
What Sit
Why This cue is great when you need to get your dog’s attention, like when you want to teach him something. Also, when you want your dog to be calm in a situation, you can ask him to sit. Dogs tend to focus on their owners as they are waiting for the next cue. This is one of the first cues your dog should know.
Level of difficulty Easy
What Lie down
Why This cue is very helpful when you need to calm down your dog, or if you really need him to lie down for whatever reason.
Level of difficulty Moderate
What Quiet
Why When you’re on the phone or in an online meeting, or in any other situation where you want your dog to be quiet – like when a visitor’s baby is asleep, or if you’re in a dangerous situation – this cue can be a lifesaver.
Level of difficulty More advanced
Would you like to set goals for your cat, bunny and rat as well? Get your copy of the January 2022 Animaltalk magazine now at retail stores or order a copy from www.coolmags.co.za.