Canned lion hunting is still as real as rhino poaching, and many people are not aware how they unknowingly assist in this inhumane industry. If you want to know how you can help, read Richard Peirce’s latest book, Cuddle Me Kill Me, exposes the shocking truth of captive lion breeding- exploitation, cruelty, lies and a bullet. See the July issue of Animaltalk to win a copy of the book.
“Some still try to make excuses for canned hunting, cub petting and walking with lions. Some claim they are ignorant of the dreadful fate that will befall thousands of lions and other predators every year. Their excuses are no longer valid. This book has told the truth,” says Will Travers, president, the Born Free Foundation.
Watch this video clip about the sad, money making lion industry and how you can avoid being a culprit.
Canned lion hunting sprang to the world’s attention with the 2015 launch of the documentary, Blood Lions. This movie blew the cover off a brutal industry that has burgeoned in the last decade or so, operating largely under the radar of public concern. In Cuddle Me, Kill Me, veteran wildlife campaigner Richard Peirce reveals horrifying facts about South Africa’s captive lion breeding and canned hunting industry.
We invite everyone to #RoarToRememberCecil in the month of June (RIP Cecil) Support our WILD #LIONS, Read #CMKM for an in-depth exposé #CaptiveLionBreeding #CannedHunting