Why home remedies don’t work for ticks and fleas

Ticks, fleas and worms are some of the creepy creatures that we don’t want in our homes, and even less on our pets! Sometimes, in desperation, a parasite infestation might cause us to grab some of those home remedies that previous generations and people on the internet swear by. But there are various reasons why they don’t work.


Unfit for purpose

Most products that are used in these home remedies for fleas and ticks are actually meant for something else. For instance, dish detergent is supposed to clean dishes and, by bathing your dog with it, you might harm his skin. While the ticks and fleas might by chance fall off your pet, the eggs and larvae that are left behind will survive and continue to multiply.

Another popular remedy is baking soda. All baking soda will do is to absorb funny smells, but it will definitely not dehydrate any fleas, larvae or eggs.

Boric acid, or borax, is another suggested remedy that doesn’t work. It might work if the flea larvae are on carpets or bedding, but it could harm your pet if you apply it directly to his coat.

Coconut oil might be good for human hair, but it does nothing for the fleas. Unless your vet recommends it, don’t apply coconut oil to your pet’s coat, as it may cause irritation or even dryness.



In many cases, the products used in these home remedies either contain harmful chemicals or the product can alter the natural pH level of the animal’s skin. Dish soap is one example where the pH level of the soap is fine for people, but harmful to pets. The pH levels of animal skin are totally different to those of human skin. So, just because it is safe for people, it doesn’t mean it’s fine for pets.

Other popular remedies include garlic, salt or alcohol. All three of these are highly toxic to pets, and can even be fatal. Apart from its ineffectiveness in killing parasites, salt can cause your pet to dehydrate and can also cause harm to his kidneys.

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