The world has been through a major pandemic, where we have been educated about washing our hands regularly to prevent the spread of disease. So many diseases spread through touch or cling to our clothes, shoes or even our dogs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that our houses are cleaned regularly.
Zoonotic diseases
Some diseases are zoonotic, which means that they can spread between people and animals. Washing our hands before and after we handle our pets’ food, and also after we have played with or touched our pets, will help in preventing these diseases. And, of course, we need to wash our hands regularly in between for hygienic reasons.
The next step is to clean our homes regularly and disinfect all areas of the house, especially surfaces where we handle and prepare food, as well as our bathrooms. Make sure that you use products that kill the pathogens responsible for causing the diseases.
It wouldn’t be possible to completely sterilise your environment, and neither should you try. Proper cleaning with soap and water will get rid of dirt and most of the nasty microorganisms.
Daily chores
Vacuum One way to keep your home free from hair (especially when your pet is shedding), dirt and fleas is to vacuum your home every day. Fleas and germs don’t appreciate a clean home.
Dust By dusting your home every day, you will help any allergy sufferers in your home and get rid of dirt and nasty germs.
Dishes Of course you do your dishes every day, or pack them in the dishwasher, but what about your pet’s dishes? Wash them thoroughly after every meal. Make sure that your pet’s dishes are safe to put in the dishwasher, if you use one.
Litter tray If you have a cat, you need to clean her litter tray every day from solids. Use a scoop and turn over the litter in the tray as well. Clean up any litter that end up outside the litter tray. Some cats vigorously cover their faeces and urine and the litter then ends up on the floor. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
Weekly chores
Wash bedding Before you wash your pet’s bedding, vacuum the items first to get rid of all the pet hair and dirt. You need to wash his bedding at least once a week. Use hot water and dry them in the sun or in the tumble drier.
Wash toys Your pet’s toys need to be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week. Who knows where those toys have been, and dirt and bacteria can cling to them.
Clean and disinfect cleaning tools One way to quickly spread germs and microorganisms is through dirty cleaning tools. It is important that you clean and disinfect your brooms, mops and other materials at least once a week.
Cat litter Depending on the type of litter you use, you need to replace it once a week, or at least every two weeks.
Once a month
Wash bed You need to wash your pet’s bed at least once a month. First vacuum his bed and then wash it using a disinfectant that is safe on the fabric the bed is made of. Once it is cleaned, leave it in the sun to dry. You can also put it in the tumble drier, if it fits, and if the bed is safe to be put in a tumble drier.
Every six months
Wash curtains Wash all your curtains at least once every six months. You’ll be surprised how many germs can hide there, especially if your cat or dog can reach the curtains. Some cats love to play with curtains, hide behind them or even rub against them.
Spring clean Don’t leave spring cleaning for spring. Clean your house thoroughly at least twice a year. When you clean your house yourself, you’ll know where you normally miss spots, like on the curtain rails, on top of cupboards or behind heavy furniture. Use this opportunity to clean these hard-to-reach areas thoroughly.
Keeping your house as clean as possible will go a long way in keeping your family and pets healthy. It might feel like a lot of work, but then you signed up for these chores when you became a pet parent. Take it in your stride and do it with all the love in your heart.
Tip: Don’t use ammonia-based cleaning products to clean up after your dog. Urine contains ammonia and when your puppy smells the ammonia from the cleaning products, he might think it is okay to wee there.