Cats and dogs feel safe and comfortable if they are properly taken care of in all areas of their lives. Although food and water are extremely important to them, they also need your loving attention, medical care if necessary and an all-round responsible pet parent.
Here are 10 things responsible pet parents do. Do you comply with these?
1. Lifelong commitment
Taking care of an animal is a lifelong responsibility. When you adopt a pet, you pledge to take care of him properly, in sickness and in health, until it’s time for him to cross the rainbow bridge. A responsible pet parent doesn’t ‘get tired’ of the pet once the novelty wears off, or if the pet becomes ‘too expensive’ or too ill to take care of.
2. Quality attention
A well-loved pet gets quality attention every day and he always feels cared for. This means that your pet trusts you, is not afraid of you and is always treated with respect. If your pet feels uncomfortable, he should be able to come to you and trust that you will take care of the situation.
3. Teaching
A responsible pet owner ensures that his pet gets mental stimulation and teaches him a variety of cues. This helps raise a well-behaved pet who won’t get bored and then get up to some kind of mischief.
4. Regular exercise
To get rid of excess energy, a responsible pet owner ensures that their pet gets adequate exercise according to his breed and age. They will also speak to the vet to find out which exercise programme is ideal for their pet.
5. Nutrition
A pet should be fed the best possible food that his owner can afford. Having said that, keep in mind that the most expensive food is not necessarily always the best option for your pet. Find out from the vet what your pet’s nutritional needs are and purchase food accordingly. Feed your pet according to your vet’s guidelines. Ideally, dogs should get two meals a day.
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