Q: When we walked on the beach a fish hook got lodged in my dog’s mouth. How do I get it out without hurting him?
A: Dogs love to sniff, and soon they will find ‘snacks’, such as bait or possibly a fish attached to a hook. The hook can easily end up stuck in the dog’s mouth, throat or stomach.
Colourful fly or shiny bait are also tempting to dogs and can pierce lips or paws.
If your dog swallows a fish hook it should be treated as a medical emergency. Try to keep your dog calm and take him to a vet immediately. It is not advisable to try and remove the hook yourself or to let your dog pass the fish hook. The chances are too great it will cause internal injuries as it moves or become lodged along the way.
Whether the fish hook is embedded in your dog’s paw, piercing a lip or stuck anywhere else on the body, a veterinarian should remove the hook and treat the wound. It is not advised to cut the fish line if it is attached to the dog’s mouth, but if it is located elsewhere on the body, it is advised to cut the fish line so it won’t become tangled and cause further injuries.
Pet owners should then cover the injured area with a towel or jacket, so your dog doesn’t gnaw, lick or tug at the fishing line and hook and make the injury worse.
Dr Letitia Swartz, veterinarian