Every year around spring time Cango Wildlife Ranch is blessed with a baby boom. This year is no different and the Ranch is proud to announce the arrival of about two dozen new bambinos.
Around June the Ranch welcomed three gorgeous cheetah cubs to the Cheetah Preservation Foundation, and since the beginning of spring now have the cutest additions to the Ranch which includes a brown lemur baby, a flying fox bat pup, a baby wallaby, two lorikeet chicks, hornbill chicks and a whopping 20 Egyptian Geese chicks too! All the babies now form part of the Ranch animal family. This baby boom is a wonderful opportunity for the community to get close to and follow these animals as they develop from babies into adulthood. Dedicated and passionate staff carefully observe and oversee the babies and their mothers to make sure that they grow and develop optimally.
Ranch visitors can view all the babies when visiting, which is truly an exclusive privilege. Nestled in the famous Klein

Karoo town of Oudtshoorn, Cango Wildlife Ranch is open year round (365 days) and boasts over 90 species of animals. Current hours are 08h30 to 16h30 daily. You can get all the information you need, and now book online at www.cangowildlife.com.