Dog Training

Tips on how to make your pet famous

We have all had moments of absolute awe and amazement when watching talented pets do extraordinary things. Just scrolling down a social media feed will prove that people love their pets and love to share their talents and skills. Instant fame Some pets simply become famous for being absolutely adorable, such as the beautiful Pomeranian […]

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New tricks for older dogs

Have you given up on teaching your older dog new things because you believe it all has to be done during puppyhood? Animaltalk is here to bring you good news: older dogs CAN learn new tricks. Training always involves patience and perseverance, and in some cases more so for older dogs. But it can be

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9 tips for easier pet teaching

Before you start to teach your dog anything, there are a few things that you, as the owner, should know and understand. For some reason, many owners see their dogs as people who understand exactly what they are told and what are expected of them. Unfortunately, that is not true. Your dog might understand what

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How to keep older dogs supple

As our beloved pets grow older, the range of motion in their joints decreases, which is detrimental to the joint fluid health. This, in turn, increases the progression of osteoarthritis, which is an inflammatory degenerative joint condition. Simple stretches, performed daily, will slowly improve and maintain the range of motion within the joints, and can

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6 ways to play fetch safely

Your dog is a picture of pure, unadulterated joy when, ball in mouth, he runs back to you as fast as his legs will carry him. Playing fetch is a huge favourite among many dogs and their owners, but does this fun game come with risks? Keeping an injury-free balance Quite a bit of research

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Scent work for dogs, part 2

Dogs use their noses (sense of smell) to create images of who or what have been crossing their paths wherever they are. We can use this natural instinct to stimulate them mentally – it’s called scent work. Our first article looked at the benefits and showed you some exercises. If you have been practising those

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How to stop the begging

Do you wonder why do dogs beg and how you can stop your furball from begging? Dogs learn to beg because they get fed titbits. If they never got the treat they wouldn’t carry on begging. The ideal is to start off your puppy as you mean to go on. If he begs at the

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