Coat types and textures

Have you also wondered if a dog’s coat type is different from the texture of the coat? Dogs either have a single or double coat and the texture refers to the way the coat feels. Coat lengths may be short, medium and long. Dogs with double coats have an insulating undercoat that sheds around twice a year, usually in tuffs and called ‘blowing a coat’. The top coat is often water-repellent with an annual shed. Single-coated dogs only have a top coat and smaller breeds may need a jersey to stay warm in winter.

Coat textures:

  • Smooth coats are short and lie close to the skin. They are generally easy to care for, with less grooming required than other coats. These coats dry quickly after a bath. A good brushing can remove loose hair from the coat and helps with shedding which can occur year-round with some breeds.
  • Silky coats are luxurious and require daily maintenance to preserve the look of the coat and prevent matting. Hair must be brushed from root to tip.
  • Wire coats can be single or double where the outer coat is course and the undercoat much softer. The undercoat will shed seasonally. Without regular brushing dead hairs can become tangled and matted in the coat. Show dogs need to have their wire coats hand stripped to maintain the wire texture. Pet dogs can be clipper-trimmed.
  • Curly coats are thick and soft but should be brushed at least three times per week to keep it in good condition. Dead hair can get caught in the coat and matted with dirt. A slicker brush can help remove loose hair before tangles occur.
  • Corded coats look like dreadlocks or cords of wool. These are very high maintenance coats and require careful attention to prevent tangling.
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