Voting Results
In 2015 there has been a change in voting sentiment with 68% of the votes for the Top 10 charities going towards MyPlanet beneficiaries, which is a 10% increase from the 58% during 2014. In total, 54.7% of votes cast went to MyPlanet beneficiaries and 45.3% of votes cast went to MyVillage beneficiaries (charities that care for people and children).
The survey has provided insight into the kind of charities that South Africans in the different provinces support. Most of the votes were cast in Gauteng (12 570), followed by the Western Cape. Provinces differ in their allegiance to MyVillage and MyPlanet charities. Nearly 60% of Gauteng votes went towards Planet charities. In the Western Cape, 51.8% of the votes went towards Planet charities and 48.3% towards MyVillage charities. In KwaZulu-Natal, 57.5% of votes went to MyVillage beneficiaries and 42.5% to MyPlanet charities. In the Eastern Cape, more than 65% of the votes cast went to MyVillage charities.
The runner-up, CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation SA, receives R35 000 and NSRI receives R25 000. The rest of the beneficiaries in the Top 10 receive R10 000 each. The NSRI will be allocating their R25 000 to Station 24 in Lamberts Bay. Station 24 serves subsistence fishermen who often get lost in the fog. The rescue crew are all unpaid volunteers so the money will go towards fuel, maintenance and medical supplies. Lucky Lucy Foundation work on relieving the plight of severely neglected and abused township and street animal. Their R10 000 will be used towards the “No Hope Left” dogs and cats. These grossly neglected dogs and cats are fed by the foundation and are give medical treatment before attempting to find an adoptive home.
“Charities rely on support from the South African public and Vote4Charity provides us with a platform to showcase the variety or charitable causes that people can support with the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card,” says Helene Brand, marketing manager at MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet.
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