Fleas in winter?

Have you ever wondered if fleas go away during the winter? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Fleas are pesky parasites that can survive in cold weather, and they thrive indoors during our warmer winter months. That’s why it’s important to know how to prevent them and keep them away from your companion animals and out of your home.


Flea prevention tactics

One of the best ways to prevent flea infestation during winter is to avoid long grass and bushy areas where fleas thrive. Ticks and fleas can attach themselves to your pet’s fur and make their way into your home. Instead, stick to open fields or footpaths where they are less likely to be found.

It’s crucial to protect your pets from fleas with flea prevention products. Here are some products to consider:


Product Flea collars

Description Collars infused with chemicals to repel fleas and ticks.

Frequency Lasts up to 30 days.

Benefits Convenient, cost-effective and long-lasting protection against fleas and ticks.

Flea collars are a popular option for pet owners as they are easy to use and can last up to 30 days. Some collars may even last between nine and 12 months, making them a cost-effective option. These collars contain chemicals that repel fleas and ticks, preventing them from attaching themselves to your pet.


Product Spot-on treatment

Description Topical liquids applied to the skin.

Frequency Lasts up to 30 days.

Benefits Easy to apply, effective against fleas and ticks and can be used in combination with other flea prevention products.

Spot-on treatments are effective in preventing fleas. They come in small vials and are applied directly to your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades. They provide long-lasting protection for up to 30 days and also repel ticks and other parasites.


Product Oral medication

Description Chewable tablets or pills that kill fleas and prevent them from reproducing.

Frequency Use as directed by a veterinarian.

Benefits Effective against fleas, convenient to use and can be used in combination with other flea prevention products.

Oral medications are an option to protect your pet from fleas. These medications come in chewable tablets or pills and can be given once a month or as directed by your veterinarian. They work by killing fleas and preventing them from reproducing.


Product Powder and shampoo

Description Flea powder is applied to the pet’s fur and surrounding areas to kill fleas and their eggs. Flea shampoos kill fleas on contact and can provide temporary relief from itching and irritation.

Frequency Use as needed.

Benefits Can be used on puppies and kittens. Effective for immediate relief from fleas and can be used in combination with other flea prevention products.

Shampoos and powders can also be used to treat and prevent fleas. Flea shampoos work by killing fleas on contact, while flea powders kill fleas and their eggs.



Flea treatment tactics

Despite all these efforts, these little parasites may still find their way into your home. If this happens, it’s easy to panic, but here are a few tips to get rid of them fast.

  • Vacuum all carpets and furniture regularly to remove flea eggs and larvae. And remember to clean out the vacuum cleaner as well.
  • Wash all bedding, towels and pet bedding in hot water to kill fleas and their eggs.
  • Use flea sprays or pet-friendly foggers in your home to kill adult fleas and prevent re-infestation.
  • Treat your pets with flea prevention products regularly.
  • If you still have a flea problem despite your efforts, consider calling a professional pest control service to help you get rid of fleas.



Fleas are a year-round problem and can be a nuisance during the winter months. By using flea prevention products such as collars, spot-ons, oral medications, shampoos and powders, you can keep your pets and your home flea-free. Remember to always follow the product’s instructions and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.