Pets are not Christmas gifts!

Buying Christmas gifts can be so much fun. But if you’re thinking of buying a puppy or a kitten as a gift for anybody, think again – no matter how special that person is. Here are eight reasons why you should say NO to buying an animal as a gift…

  1. Financial reasons

You don’t know for sure if the person can really afford to take care of the animal. A cat or dog can be a 10- to 15-year commitment. The recipient will have to provide the pet with food and medical care for a long time.

  1. Personal reasons

The recipient might not like the cat or dog as much as you do. He or she might have wanted something totally different. Just think how exciting it is to choose a puppy or kitten. So why don’t you rather leave that excitement for the recipient – that in itself is a great gift.

  1. Time

A new puppy or kitten can be very time-consuming. The recipient might not have the time or energy for a new pet.

  1. Not a toy

A puppy is not a toy that you can play with when you feel like it, and then ‘put away’ when you’re done. Think of a puppy or kitten like you would a human baby – you wouldn’t give someone a baby as a gift, would you? That would be immoral! The same applies to animals – rather give that person a stuffed toy then.

  1. Not the ideal time

Christmas time is not the best time to give someone a pet. The recipient might have plans to go away on holiday. This could ruin his or her holiday plans.

  1. Health reasons

You might not know that the person is allergic to specific breeds – something the recipient will find out when he or she chooses their own pet to love and cherish.

  1. Pets for children

If you are considering getting a pet for your children, Christmas and birthdays are not the ideal time to do so. You don’t want your children to regard pets as belongings, but rather as living beings.

  1. Responsibility

You want your children to understand that a pet is a huge responsibility. Therefore, getting a pet takes planning and careful consideration. Teach your children this valuable lesson. And then, when you do get a pet, remember that the sole responsibility to take care of the pet lies with the parents, and not the children.

The fact is that many animals end up at shelters as unwanted pets. Don’t add to these dreadful statistics. Rather discuss the matter in detail with the intended recipient, and then go together to choose the puppy or kitten. You can still offer to cover the costs involved if you wish to.

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