Part 22 – Puppy Graduate Kenobi

I reached the end of my puppy classes at McKaynine Training Centre – our last class was graduation!! We first got together and they told us what classes we can go on to do once we graduate. I was cuddling with Dad and keeping the instructor’s file warm while listening.

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On graduation day all the pups and their moms and dads take a walk down to the river. It is really pretty down there and so exciting! I had to concentrate really hard not to run all the way down. And when we got there of course I had to test the water … and then shake it off!


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We walked through these beautiful trees and there were so much to see and so many smells. We stopped in a clearing and had to practise our ‘sits’ and ‘downs’. Mom was real proud that I could concentrate so well in a new environment.

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Then it was time for the fun, looooong recall. The instructors hold us at one end of the field and the moms and dads run to the other end and hide behind some trees. They then call us and when they let us go, we run as fast as we can to find them. And of course we can sniff them out real quick. I am in front!

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For the last part we go back up to the training field and do a short obstacle course. Everyone was divided up into 3 teams and we had a relay race!


And finally – having our picture taken. Me with a proud Mom and Dad.

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Next time I will tell you about another visit to Mom’s office!