South African Guide-Dogs Association for the blind introduces new logo

South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind has a brand new, modern logo
South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind has a brand new, modern logo

South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind would like to announce the introduction of a new logo. The previous logo depicted a Guide Dog and Guide Dog owner walking in profile along with their registered name, South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind. This much-loved logo did not represent all of the services that they offer; which are:

  • Guide Dogs for people who are visually impaired
  • Service Dogs for people who are physically disabled
  • Autism Support Dogs for autistic children
  • The College of Orientation and Mobility which trains Orientation and Mobility practitioners and provides direct training to people who are visually impaired in the use of a long cane and other rehabilitation training

The new logo is very symbolic. The image of the person suggests that they are a non-profit organisation whose goal is to improve the lives of people. Their mission is to enhance the mobility and independence of people who have visual physical and developmental needs. They assist people from all walks of life, cultures, races and religions. The long cane user, Orientation and Mobility student, Guide Dog owner, Service Dog owner and Autism Support Dog owner are all valued customers.

The image of the person also depicts the reliance that GDA have on the support and dedication from staff, volunteers, supporters and like-minded individuals who assist them to change the lives of the people they assist. As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

The person and the dog are separated by a flowing swirl which suggests perfect harmony between the person and the dog.

The dog depicts respect for all of their working dogs and their commitment to treat all the dogs in a humane manner. We pay tribute to the service of these loyal, intelligent animals. Their goal is to ensure that their dogs are and remain happy, healthy and well cared for.

South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind isproud to introduce this modern logo that reflects that they are one dedicated team working towards changing the lives of people who are differently-abled.