Q: Why do cats prowl at night, and sleep all day long?
A: The cat’s wild ancestors are largely nocturnal, tending to hunt more during the night than during the day. Although domestication has resulted in our cats shifting towards a more diurnal lifestyle, many cats still retain their wilder habits. This may be more pronounced in some breeds than others, and is usually more apparent in young cats, who may spend the night stalking their territory, searching for small creatures to chase, or playing. This translates to much sleeping during the day.
Cats, on average, spend about 15 hours a day napping – in some this may be as much as 20 hours. If your cat is not provided with activity during the day, she’s much more likely to keep you awake with night-time shenanigans. Although they retain generally nocturnal habits, it is possible to encourage your cat to sleep during the night by allowing her opportunities for play and activity during the day.
A simple teaser toy, catnip or some chasing games with a rolled-up piece of paper, followed by an evening meal, should all help your cat relax into a night-time sleeping routine. If you find your cat is not just awake at night but restless and vocal as well, it’s a good idea to take her to your vet to rule out a health issue.
Katherine Brown, behaviourist