Cat Know How

Q & A: Bee stings in cats

Q: What should I do if a bee stings my cat in her mouth? A: If your cat gets stung in her mouth there is a very high risk of severe swelling, resulting in difficulty breathing. Also, if she gets stung by multiple bees, she may develop a fatal anaphylactic reaction, so it is advisable […]

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Teach your cat to play fetch

Let’s face it, cats are nothing like dogs. They’re not people pleasers and they will only do something if and when they feel like doing it. In most cases, they will do something if there is something in it for them and it suits their mood at that moment. This means that teaching kitty something

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Signs of a healthy cat

Need to know if your cat is healthy? Here’s a short guide to help you determine the health status of your cat. Please check on her through the year and not just at the beginning of the year. Remember, this is just a guide, and your cat should still see the vet at least once

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Q & A: Yoghurt for cats?

Q: Can I give my cat yoghurt to eat? A: There is definitely some reason for concern when giving your cat dairy products. Some cats, however, may retain the ability to digest milk throughout their lives. Both dogs and cats can be lactose intolerant and cats are more likely to experience problems. When young cats

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Q & A: Taking a poop sample

Q: My vet has asked me for a faecal sample from my cat. What is the best way to do this? A: Use a Ziploc bag turned inside out over your hand, or a disposable utensil, to collect a sample, close the bag and make sure it is completely sealed. Before taking a sample, keep

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Q and A: Parasites in rescue kittens

Q: Do all kittens from rescue shelters struggle with ‘bad’ parasites in their intestines? How can this be treated? A: Kittens from rescue centres are at a much higher risk of being exposed to intestinal parasites. Often the circumstances and conditions under which these kittens ended up at the shelters resulted in a compromised immune

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12 Feeding secrets for cats

Cat owners know how finicky their feline pets can be. Some cats are real ‘foodies’, while others are snobs who often turn their noses up at food they don’t like. And sometimes, they love a certain dish one day, but walk away from it the next. That’s the life of a cat owner. But here

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