
12 Feeding secrets for cats

Cat owners know how finicky their feline pets can be. Some cats are real ‘foodies’, while others are snobs who often turn their noses up at food they don’t like. And sometimes, they love a certain dish one day, but walk away from it the next. That’s the life of a cat owner. But here […]

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Introducing a new kitten

Bringing home a new kitten is so exciting, and everybody can’t wait for the new arrival. All sorts of plans are made, information about the cat’s diet and behaviour is researched, sleeping patterns are adjusted and toys are all waiting in anticipation of the kitten. But, if you have other cats, have you anticipated how

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Q & A: Fussy eating feral cat

Q: A feral tabby female adopted me, but she is a very fussy eater. She is fidgety and scratches herself a lot. Could this be a food allergy? A: Firstly, I am very glad that you took the responsibility on you. Remember that she must be treated for worms on a three-monthly basis with a

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Q & A: yoghurt for cats?

Q: Can I give my cat yoghurt to eat? A: There is definitely some reason for concern when giving your cat dairy products. Some cats, however, may retain the ability to digest milk throughout their lives. Both dogs and cats can be lactose intolerant and cats are more likely to experience problems. When young cats

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Q & A: Pass the tissues

Q: Is it normal for my diabetic cat to eat tissue paper? A: It is not normal for a cat to eat tissue paper, diabetic or not. It may be behavioural, that she does it to get attention, but because your cat is diabetic, there could also be a medical reason. Animals with untreated diabetes

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Wet food for senior cats

Most cat owners have wondered at one time or another whether to choose dry food or wet food for their beloved pet – even more so once their cat reaches the golden years. There is unfortunately no easy answer, as each cat is unique, with her own taste and preference. Both wet and dry food

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Clean house, better health

Spring is here and this usually means regular spring-cleaning sessions around the house. You know it must be done, and if you need some encouragement to get it done, here it is. Keeping a hygienic home will enhance your family’s (which includes the pets) health and help everyone live a healthier life. One of the

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Seasonal allergies in pets

It’s that time of the year! Seasonal allergies can make life difficult for you and your pet. To help you, we have answer to some of the frequently asked questions. Q: How can I know for sure if my pet suffers from allergies? A: If you suspect that your pet has an allergy, ask your

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